Stomatologia Łabno

606-906-733 rejestracja czynna pn - pt w godzinach: 8:00 - 15:00 ul. Władysława Reymonta 4 ; 38-300 Gorlice

Aleksandra Łabno

lek. dent. Aleksandra Łabno

Jest absolwentką Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w Krakowie. Szczególnie interesuje się stomatologią estetyczną, endodoncją i ortodoncją. Wychowuje córeczki Hanię i Matyldę. Czas wolny lubi spędzać na korcie tenisowym lub siłowni. Posiada 9 lat doświadczenia i nieustannie poszerza swoją wiedzę oraz umiejętności poprzez udział w wielu kursach i specjalistycznych szkoleniach.

Ukończone Szkolenia: Bonding - Efektywna i Efektowna Odbudowa Kompozytowa W Odcinku Przednim - lek.dent. Marcin Krupiński ; Digital Endo - Kompendium zastosowania Tomografii W Leczeniu Endodontycznym Z Zakresu Diagnostyki Powikłań W Leczeniu Kanałowym Oraz Monitorowania Procesu Leczenia - lek.dent.Bartłomiej Karaś ; Naśladując Naturę Czyli Podejmowanie Decyzji W Stomatologii Odtwórczej – Analiza Przypadków Trudnych I Kompromisowych – dr n. med. Maciej Żarow ; Major occlusal correction of a temporomandibular disordered patient – dr. Máté Jász ; Advantages of microscopy in all fields of dentistry – ZA Per Fossdal ; Dental Adhesives Update – Ivo Krecji ; Minimally Invasive Dentistry – Why we need it – Mark Bowes ; Mastering procedures for optimal outcome on implants in the esthetic zone – Achraf Souayah ; Minimally Invasive Preparations – Victor Sanchez ; Clinical and technological ressources for an esthetical preservation in implantology – Carlos Francischone ; How to achieve predictable result with esthetic, function and biology – Cyril Gaillard ; Tri-laminar Technique – Gianfranco Politano ; The Bleaching technique or the most conservative aesthetic treatment – Luis Jané ; Optimize alveolar bone in the aesthetic zone – France Lambert ; Restoration of the anterior teeth from direct to indirect – Giancarlo Pongione ; Minimally invasive treatment of enamel white spot lesions – Marie Clement ; 4D Implant Position in the Esthetic Zone – Daniel Ochoa ; Layers, a simpler approach in aesthetic dentistry – Anna Salat / Jordi Manauta ; Indirect composite posterior restorations : the easy, repeatable and predictable way for esthetic success – Francesco Mangani ; State of the art of reconstruction of endodontically treated teeth – Marco Ferrari ; Replacing tooth lost substance – how man, science and the computer are changing the face of Prosthodontics – João Fonseca ; The wide world of Veneers – Guglielmo Parziale ; How can I create my own resin-composite inlays, onlays and overlays? – Kilian Molina ; White Implants – immediate single tooth replacements with zirconia implants in the anterior – Bart Beekmans ; MicroVision prosthetics. The day when I will finally see – Nazariy Mykhaylyuk ; The Virtual Lab and the Complete Digital Workflow – Christian Coachman ; How can we use photography and video for better communications with patients, laboratory and dentist? – Alain Perceval ; Bespoke New York Smile : Blue Print in Aesthetic dentistry – Ivan Hadiutomo ; Techniques from the past helping the present. Hand made, still actual – Sebastien Mosconi ; From analogical to digital pathway. How to convert yourself into a digital dentist – Francisco Teixeira Barbosa ; Smile dynamics: new approaches for achieving esthetic excellence – Paola Ochoa ; Responsible Aesthetics: Minimally invasive implant and restorative dentistry – Attila Bodrogi ; New adhesive CAD/CAM materials: from aesthetic to function – Paulo Monteiro ; Contribution of guided surgery for aesthetic results in implant’s prosthesis – Renaud Noharet ; What do I have in mind when I have to prepare teeth for indirect bonded restorations? – Jon Gurrea ; New approaches in implant prosthesis – Eduardo Damásio ; Modern Implant Success in the Esthetic Zone – Kyle Stanley ; Delicate Dentistry Philosophy – Irfeo Saraiva ; Impact of endodontics on aesthetic dentistry – Rui Pereira da Costa No Post No Crown: Welcome to the new world – Gil Tirlet / David Gerdolle ; Aesthetics with dental implants. From simple to complex cases – Ricardo Faria de Almeida ; Combining DSD and All-on-4 to create the Perfect Aesthetic – Russell Young ; Anterior CAD/CAM restorations – Josef Kunkela ; Art & science of isolation – Maxim Belograd ; The styleitaliano philosophy – Angelo Putignano ; The 7 steps you must take to be a successful aesthetic dentist – João Borges ; An evidence based look at long-term endodontic outcomes – Ove Peters ; Assessment and management of cracks. Seeing is believing – Patrick Caldwell ; Finding and working the MB2 – Sérgio Quaresma ; Diagnosis and treatment of resorption lesions, a modern approach – Guillaume Jouanny ; Maxillary Sinusitis of Dental Origin – Oleg Kulygin ; Regeneration potential of the pulp and periapical tissue: a way of treatment? – Carlos Alvarado ; Access in Endodontics – Ivan Vyuchnov ; Do we really need operating microscope for endodontic treatments? – Gergely Benyőcs ; Coronal leakage: beginning of the end or end of the beginning? – José Sacramento ; The path to rotary instruments – Vivek Hegde ; Biologically centered root canal preparation concepts – Freddy Belliard ; Image quality in cone beam computed tomography – What you get is what you deserve – Marc Semper ; Benefits from Adaptive Technology for shaping canals – Walter Vargas Obando ; Contemporary approaches to non round canals in Endodontics – Michael Solomonov ; Clinical Benefits of Microscope and Ergonomics in Daily Endodontic Practice – Zaher Al-Taqi ; Video-documentation on the microscope – Stefan Klinge ; Invasive Cervical Resorption – Carlos Aznar Portoles ; Improving clinical performance when using NiTi instruments: a science-based approach – Hani Ounsi ; Instrumentation of Severe Curved Root Canals. Rational approach – Eugen Buga ; Functional Characteristics of File Geometry – Steve Buchanan ; Disinfection in endodontics: challenges and solutions – Bettina Basrani ; Simplified mechanical preparation of endodontic space – a personal concept and technique – Sergiu Nicola Shape memory alloys in endodontics – Diogo Guerreiro and Mário Rito ; The lateral canal issue – Konstantinos Kalogeropoulos ; A private practitioners view on a modern microscopic approach to NSRCT – Viraj Vora ; Surgical Endodontic Cases – Maria Laura Gimenez del Arco ; 3D Disinfection – Clifford Ruddle ; Learning from failures – Misao Hattori ; Hidden canals… The hidden face of failure – Moataz Alkhawas ; Multidisciplinary approach to Dental Trauma – Fernando Duran ; Reverse Treatment Planning in Endodontics – Patricia Escobar ; Perforations Management – Fabio Gorni ; Clinical Applications of BioCeramics in Endodontics – Allen Ali Nasseh ; Guidelines for endodontically treated posterior teeth: from access cavity to function – Anaïs Ramirez ; Why does my endodontically treated teeth still hurt? – Marino Sutedjo ; The guided tissue regeneration in endodontics surgical procedure in cases of large periapical lesion – Maurício Camargo ; Restorations Of discoloured root canal treated anteriors – Maciej Żarow ; Micro Surgical Endodontics: the state of the art – Arnaldo Castellucci ; Closing lecture: 5 Rules to become an Endo Master – Rui Pereira da Costa ; Post Endo restorative: adhesive era – Marcin Krupiński ; Isolation, the Essentials – Stephane Browet ; Anterior Direct Restorations – Challenging steps – Joana Garcez ; Repeatable and predictable protocol in the treatment of worn dentition: the full mock concept for the every day practice – Stefan Koubi ; Communication Protocols with the lab: Analog vs Digital – Johan Figueira ; Reconstruction of endodontically treated anterior teeth – Maciej Zarow ; Full mouth rehabilitation with the flowable injection technique – Enrique Diaz Guzman ; Partial Extraction Therapies – Howie Gluckman ; 3 STEP technique and the ADDITIVE approach, the third alternative in dentistry – Francesca Vailati ; Photography for the clinic dedicated to dental aesthetics: Equipment, settings and handling – Carlos Ayala ; To Post or Not to Post? To Crown or Not to Crown? – Leonard Nelwan ; From Bone To Ceramics. New Perspectives on Socket Shield – Bernardo Corrêa, Filipe Lopes ; From Planning to Execution. A success story in full arch implant restorations from start to finish – Anas Aloum ; Prefabric composite veneers – Engin Taviloglu ; A new implant Dentistry : high quality same day immediate loading from an intraoral scanner – Luis Cuadrado ; Integrating esthetics and occlusion in adhesive oral rehabilitation – German Albertini, Diego Bechelli ; Creating differentiation and a unique client experience through Technology – Christian Coachman ; Esthetic, biomechanical and functional goals of restorative dentistry: Is it possible to reach them without any drilling? – Jean-Pierre Attal ; Merging Invisalign with Digital Smile Design – to achieve minimally invasive dentistry – Ryan Tse ; CEREC workflows in modern cosmetic and implant dentistry – Simon Chard ; Knowledges to be shared between our two professions: Virtual Esthetic Project – Hélène and Didier Crescenzo ; Oral Rehabilitation – A Conservative Approach – Paul Cabeza ; Restoring smiles – the surgical – restorative workflow for predictable high end results – Mirela Feraru ; Will minimally invasive Endodontics forever change Esthetic Dentistry? – Rui Pereira da Costa ; The Prosthetic Revolution – Mauro Fradeani ; Management of compromised teeth in the aesthetic zone – Miguel Roig ; Esthetic Direct Composite Restorations – John Chu ; Combined options & materials for indirect esthetic restorative dentistry – Simone Maffei ; PSD: Photoshop Smile Design. A dental digital planning approach – José Gabriel Martínez ; Diagnosis and implant treatment indications for the edentulous maxilla – Jack Goldberg ; Zirconia Implants meet Digital Revolution – André Chen ; Analogue vs Digital Dentistry – Nazariy Mykhaylyuk, Bogdan Mykhaylyuk, Anatoliy Tokar ; The function of esthetics: critical parameters from the analog dentistry into the digital world – Alessandro Pozzi ; Guided Surgery & Aesthetics: Digital workflow for predictable Immediate Function and Osseintegration – Alessandro Pozzi ; The tips for aesthetic posterior composite restorations – Jun Iwata ; Soft tissue management: from provisional to final restoration. How do we do it? – Ramon Asensio ; The importance of the diagnostic wax-up in the success of a new smile makeover – Christophe Hue ; Functional Rehabilitations using the Adhesive Minimally Invasive Approach – Matthew Nejad ; Esthetic and Functional Rehabilitation of the Smile using minimal and non invasive bonded ceramic restorations – Konstantinos Kountouras ; Critical issues on bonding Ceramic Laminate Veneers – Marco Gresnigt ; SKIN Concept – Aesthetics and Function with high technology systems – Paulo Kano ; Esthetic Implant placement: How Perio can help? – Jose Nart ; CERAMIC RESTORATIONS – Teeth and Implants – Details that make a difference – Victor Clavijo ; The Changing Face of Dentistry – Russell Young ; New Interdisciplinary Perspectives With All Ceramic Restorations – Anabell Laplana ; The Game Changer, how marketing is changing the face of contemporary dentistry – Quoc An Nguyen ; Aesthetic Implant Restorations – Decisive Factors and Principles to Respect – Nitzan Bichacho ; The 5 keys to achieve long-term success in your ceramic veneer treatment - João Borges ; Ortho Navi Sesja I - dr Mariusz Wilk, dr n. med. Joanna Jabłońska - Zrobek, Ortho Navi Sesja II - dr Mariusz Wilk, dr n. med. Joanna Jabłońska - Zrobek, Ortho Navi Sesja III - dr Mariusz Wilk, dr n. med. Joanna Jabłońska - Zrobek, Endoakademia Sesja I - usuwanie złamanych narzędzi - dr Katarzyna Brus - Sawczuk, Endoakademia Sesja II - od anatomii do usuwania złamanych narzędzi - dr Katarzyna Brus - Sawczuk, Endoakademia Sesja III - gutaperka na ciepło, mikroskop stomatologiczny - dr Katarzyna Brus - Sawczuk.
stomatologia łabno

Leczę się u Pana Dr Pawła Łabno regularnie od 4 lat. Zawsze miła atmosfera. Zakładał mi wypełnienia, korony, usuwał ósemki - wszystko świetnie, bez reklamacji. Polecam. ~ Piotr

stomatologia łabno

Lek. dent. Aleksandra Łabno ukończyła intensywne dwudniowe szkolenie dotyczące zastosowania osocza bogatopłytkowego, kwasu hialuronowego i toksyny botulinowej w medycynie estetycznej.

stomatologia łabno

W dniu 25.05 odbyło się w naszym gabinecie szkolenie z pozyskiwania fibryny bogatopłytkowej (PRF) i jej przetwarzania do celów chirurgii stomatologicznej, implantologii oraz medycyny estetycznej. Zastosowanie A-PRF i I-PRF zmniejsza ból i przyspiesza gojenie ran po zabiegach chirurgicznych oraz osteointegrację implantów.

stomatologia łabno

dr n. med. lek. dent. Paweł Łabno w dniu 10.05.24 ukończył w Krakowie szkolenie z wykonywania osteodensyfikacji w implantologii poprawiającej jakość kości wokół implantów oraz umożliwiających wykonanie zabiegów w przypadkach małej ilości dostępnej kości.

słowa klucze:
aleksandra łabno artykulator bonding chirurg chirurgia cyrkon dentysta dentysta gorlice digital smile design doktorat dsd ebd endodoncja extaro gorlice implanty komputerowe planowanie uśmiechu korony korony pełnoceramiczne leczenie kanałowe leczenie pod mikroskopem leczenie próchnicy licówki mikroskop mosty opinie paweł paweł łabno phrozen praca profilaktyka protetyka proteza protezy próchnica publikacje resekcja specjalizacja stomatolog stomatologia stomatologia mikroskopowa stomatologia łabno stomatologiałabno telemedycyna verti prep wybielanie zeiss zhermack łabno łuk twarzowy
stomatologia łabno
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Implantologiczne